Sophie Calle – Take Care of Yourself

Sophie Calle’s Prenez soin de vous (Take Care of Yourself), 2007.

In response to an email from her boyfriend who was jilting her, Calle sent a copy of her email to 107 women that Calle chose for their profession or skills to interpret her letter. These woman analysed it, danced to it, sang it, and performed it. Calle asked only that they did not show sympathy for Calle, for Calle this was taking him at his word and looking after herself.

This is very funny, but as a male, I am as guilty as the next for the crime of dumping a girlfriend, all be it only the once. However, I recall that at the time, I felt very guilty.

In this project, Calle simply sent out the letter and allowed her volunteers to interpret and produce work in any format and style they chose; so Calle had no control over the what was produced or how.

Published by shauncn512659

Hi, I am an OCA student studying for an Art degree in Photography , my student number is 512659. My e-mail is:

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