Human Rights Human Wrongs by Mark Sealy

Human Rights Human Wrongs The above link introduces Sealy photographic exhibition to quote: “Images can dehumanise us. They can make it easier to kill people,” says Mark Sealy, curator of Human Rights Human Wrongs, currently on exhibit at The Photographers’ Gallery “I grew up in Newcastle, sat on buses with characters calling me ‘Chalky’,” saysContinue reading “Human Rights Human Wrongs by Mark Sealy”

Walker Evans

Walker Evans created a project called, Subway Portraits, (1938-41) in which he hid a camera under his coat with just the lens peeping out and he secretly took photographs of fellow passengers, on the New York subway trains, that were sitting opposite him. He later joined the Farm Security Administration (FSA). In 1936 whilst onContinue reading “Walker Evans”

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