Learning Summary for Self and the Other

What did I do? Due to the COVID 19 epidemic, my options were limited for subjects to photograph however, I managed to get some photos of strangers right at the beginning before the full effect of the idea of mask wearing a social distance became to problematic and I turned to my wife and myContinue reading “Learning Summary for Self and the Other”

Formative Feedback for Assignment 2

Formative feedback Student name        Shaun Mullins Student number                 512659 Course/Unit          Self and Other Assignment number          2 Type of tutorial  Audio-Visual     Overall Comments An assignment that meets the brief, engages with references and is based on useful research. Feedback on assignment Demonstration of technical and Visual Skills, Quality of Outcome, Demonstration ofContinue reading “Formative Feedback for Assignment 2”

Final Project – Essay.

Behind this laughing mask of mine. Firstly, I would like to apologies to my audience with regards to my artistic project, for I am asking you to interpret my images as I see them. To be seen to represent an invisible metaphor for the political identity of self, but a photograph is not a literalContinue reading “Final Project – Essay.”

Assignment 6 – Final Project

Behind this laughing mask of mine 2020 – 2021 ‘Every profound spirit needs a mask’ Nietzsche, Beyond Good an Evil, 1888. In the politics of self we put up a front to others, and this is worn as a type of mask that projects as well as it guards. For identity we wear many masksContinue reading “Assignment 6 – Final Project”

The Cruel Radiance

The Cruel Radiance, 2012, Susie Linfield, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. ISBN: 978-0-226-48251-4. This is a very interesting book and I found it to be a good read. Linfield writes in defence of photography against what she describes as a popular and institutional attack on the medium by critics and even other photographers. SheContinue reading “The Cruel Radiance”

Assignment 4 – Essay

Other Than You. By Shaun Mullins (512659) Assignment 4, PH5SAO – The Self and The Other. Word count without quotations and footnotes: 2563.  Including quotations and footnotes Total: 3931. Sources: Barthes, 2000; 1977; Kelly, Self Image, Personal is Political, 1979; Kuhn, Remembrance, The child I never was, 1991; Ritchin, 2010; Spence, Facing Up To Myself,Continue reading “Assignment 4 – Essay”

Planning and Preparation for Assignment 3

Shaun Mullins (Untitled) 2020, Different Selves My brief The readings, research and exercises should have led you to think about self portraiture in a variety of ways. Some practitioners deliberately play with ideas of fluidity and multiple selves, whilst still being anchored to a nominal self. Selfies, often used as self promotion, are intimately linkedContinue reading “Planning and Preparation for Assignment 3”

Assignment 1 – Written Feedback

Above is attached a WordDoc for my Tutor’s written feedback for my first assignment. Overall Comments A successful piece of work based on good preparation that meets the brief. Feedback on assignment Demonstration of technical and Visual Skills, Quality of Outcome, Demonstration of Creativity Notes on, and in addition to, video tutorial [You need toContinue reading “Assignment 1 – Written Feedback”

My Tutor’s assessment – Assignment 2

In my video conference with my Tutor we discussed the style of work that I am using which is a controlled and planned method, my Tutor thought that this style worked for this project’s narrative. He could see the influence of artist such as Cindy Sherman and Jeff Wall who both create contrived pictures inContinue reading “My Tutor’s assessment – Assignment 2”

My Tutor’s assessment – Assignment 1

The theme of my assignment was environmental portraits the challenge was a COVID pandemic that naturally made finding willing subjects difficult, I therefore chose to use my wife as subject and our home as the environment. As subject matter I have attempted to illustrate different aspects of my wife’s character each has its own identity.Continue reading “My Tutor’s assessment – Assignment 1”

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