Formal Assessment Feedback from OCA

I am very pleased with my assessment result, and I have had some very useful feedback. I have made bold the comments that I really need to pay close attention to and to work on. “There’s a real sense of commitment to further understanding of what you are engaged in and the development of a rigorousContinue reading “Formal Assessment Feedback from OCA”

Final Project – Essay.

Behind this laughing mask of mine. Firstly, I would like to apologies to my audience with regards to my artistic project, for I am asking you to interpret my images as I see them. To be seen to represent an invisible metaphor for the political identity of self, but a photograph is not a literalContinue reading “Final Project – Essay.”

Critical reflection

For my final project I wanted to explore the idea of the politics of self. My idea was to employ masks to act as a form of metaphor for the ‘front’ that we put up, like a mask, to both disguise and project our identity to others. My original idea was to provide my subjectsContinue reading “Critical reflection”

Assignment 6 – Final Project

Behind this laughing mask of mine 2020 – 2021 ‘Every profound spirit needs a mask’ Nietzsche, Beyond Good an Evil, 1888. In the politics of self we put up a front to others, and this is worn as a type of mask that projects as well as it guards. For identity we wear many masksContinue reading “Assignment 6 – Final Project”

Assignment 5: Self Directed Project. (Work in Progress)

The Politics of Self & Other My idea for a theme is a critical look at how we regard ourselves and others from a political angle. I want to explore ideas of ‘self and other based upon a form of political ideology and to be more specific consider how portraits are viewed from the anglesContinue reading “Assignment 5: Self Directed Project. (Work in Progress)”

Self Image, Personal is political (1979) by Angela Kelly

Women’s Identity (1975 – 1979) Angela Kelly This essay, Kelly examines the use and mis-use of self portraiture, to quote Kelly: to determine what relevance a seemingly private practice has to a public audience. (p.410, Wells, 2003). Kelly suggests in her essay, that at the time of writing, self-portraiture had not been properly analysed. AsContinue reading “Self Image, Personal is political (1979) by Angela Kelly”

Planning and Preparation for Assignment 3

Shaun Mullins (Untitled) 2020, Different Selves My brief The readings, research and exercises should have led you to think about self portraiture in a variety of ways. Some practitioners deliberately play with ideas of fluidity and multiple selves, whilst still being anchored to a nominal self. Selfies, often used as self promotion, are intimately linkedContinue reading “Planning and Preparation for Assignment 3”

Summary for Part 2, Other

Part 2, Other, began by looking at how photography has played its part in violence against the other, siting Victorian photography as one example of asserting colonial power over weaker subjected peoples of other ethnic and cultural societies. Artists such as Mark Sealy have been addressing these troubling histories with work and exhibitions such asContinue reading “Summary for Part 2, Other”

Research Point – Propaganda in an image.

Photo by Eddie Adams/Associated Press ‘Execution of a Viet Cong officer’, Saigon, Vietnam, 1968. South Vietnam National Police Chief Nguyen Ngoc Loan executes suspected Viet Cong member Nguyen Van Lem, on the second day of the Tet Offensive during the Vietnam War. The act was stunning in its casualness. Associated Press photographer Eddie Adams wasContinue reading “Research Point – Propaganda in an image.”

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