Assignment 5: Self Directed Project. (Work in Progress)

The Politics of Self & Other My idea for a theme is a critical look at how we regard ourselves and others from a political angle. I want to explore ideas of ‘self and other based upon a form of political ideology and to be more specific consider how portraits are viewed from the anglesContinue reading “Assignment 5: Self Directed Project. (Work in Progress)”

Reading Photographs – In Our Own Image, by Fred Ritchin

Peter Kennard and Cat Phillips created the image, titled: Photo Op, in 2005. From Fred Ritchin’s book, In Our Own Image, his essay, Reading Photographs, (Ritchin, 2010) discusses the authenticity of a photograph. He asks, …after all that is happening in computer imaging can one safeguard the integrity of the photograph in its populist roleContinue reading “Reading Photographs – In Our Own Image, by Fred Ritchin”

Shizuka Yokomizo

Shizuka Yokomizo, born 1966. Yokomizo produced a project a called, Dear Stranger, (1998-2000) in which she dropped letters to her neighbours addressed, Dear stranger, and asked them to stand behind their windows at a specific time so that she could take their portrait. Stranger No. 10. (1999) by Shizuka Yokomizo. Stranger No. 9 (1999) byContinue reading “Shizuka Yokomizo”

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