Gillian Wearing

Gillian Wearing is an artist who has used masks in her projects. Gillian Wearing, Confess All On Video. Don’t Worry You Will Be In Disguise. Intrigued? Call Gillian…, 1994. In this project, Wearing advertised in the London magazine, Time Out using the above words from her title as part of her advertisement. She providing masksContinue reading “Gillian Wearing”

Assignment 5: Self Directed Project. (Work in Progress)

The Politics of Self & Other My idea for a theme is a critical look at how we regard ourselves and others from a political angle. I want to explore ideas of ‘self and other based upon a form of political ideology and to be more specific consider how portraits are viewed from the anglesContinue reading “Assignment 5: Self Directed Project. (Work in Progress)”

A critical reflection.

My brief The readings, research and exercises should have led you to think about self portraiture in a variety of ways. Some practitioners deliberately play with ideas of fluidity and multiple selves, whilst still being anchored to a nominal self. Selfies, often used as self promotion, are intimately linked to their intended audience. Create aContinue reading “A critical reflection.”

Planning and Preparation for Assignment 3

Shaun Mullins (Untitled) 2020, Different Selves My brief The readings, research and exercises should have led you to think about self portraiture in a variety of ways. Some practitioners deliberately play with ideas of fluidity and multiple selves, whilst still being anchored to a nominal self. Selfies, often used as self promotion, are intimately linkedContinue reading “Planning and Preparation for Assignment 3”

Over Her Dead Body: Death, Femininity and the Aesthetic

Elisabeth Bronfen, (1992) Over Her Dead Body: Death, Femininity and the Aesthetic, Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN:0-7190-3827-8. Written as a critical analysis of the subject of the death of a beautiful woman in western art and literature, Bronfen has examined how an apparent fascination to death and death of a beautiful muse has fascinated artistsContinue reading “Over Her Dead Body: Death, Femininity and the Aesthetic”

Summary for Part 1, Looking at Them – The Representation of the Other.

I began this section with a preliminary exercise as a kind ice breaker in which I took photographs of people incognito and this really reaffirmed my discomfort of street photography which I think has become much harder to practise in our modern society that is now always under the gaze of CCTV and the worldContinue reading “Summary for Part 1, Looking at Them – The Representation of the Other.”

Reading Task – I.D. Photo.

The singular idea of the meaning of an I.D. photo is the passport head and shoulders, facing the camera composition; but this not the only method to establish a form of identification. When photographing people I will more often include more information this may be a full body shot or half to three quarters ofContinue reading “Reading Task – I.D. Photo.”

Porträt 1986-1991

Porträt (P. Lappat), 1987 by Thomas Ruff. Porträt (M. Roeser), 1999 by Thomas Ruff. Porträt (A. Kachold), 1987 by Thomas Ruff Ruff’s project Porträt 1986-1991 is a collection of photographs made like passport I.D. photos, only Ruff used a large format camera and printed the photographs size 1600 x 1205 mm at a printing quality forContinue reading “Porträt 1986-1991”

Reading Task – The photographic works of Diane Arbus – My thoughts

Much has been said and written about Arbus and her work, but I wonder if too much has been read into her photographs?  The images used to critique her work style all appear to poses those elements of the sublime, they have that something, that punctum that Barthes coined (1) and which all photographers striveContinue reading “Reading Task – The photographic works of Diane Arbus – My thoughts”

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