Formal Assessment Feedback from OCA

I am very pleased with my assessment result, and I have had some very useful feedback. I have made bold the comments that I really need to pay close attention to and to work on. “There’s a real sense of commitment to further understanding of what you are engaged in and the development of a rigorousContinue reading “Formal Assessment Feedback from OCA”

Learning Summary for Self and the Other

What did I do? Due to the COVID 19 epidemic, my options were limited for subjects to photograph however, I managed to get some photos of strangers right at the beginning before the full effect of the idea of mask wearing a social distance became to problematic and I turned to my wife and myContinue reading “Learning Summary for Self and the Other”

Summary for Part 1, Looking at Them – The Representation of the Other.

I began this section with a preliminary exercise as a kind ice breaker in which I took photographs of people incognito and this really reaffirmed my discomfort of street photography which I think has become much harder to practise in our modern society that is now always under the gaze of CCTV and the worldContinue reading “Summary for Part 1, Looking at Them – The Representation of the Other.”

Exercise 2.4 – Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa

Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa position appears to be one of prejudice, based on history, perhaps before writing his scathing critic he should have first contacted the artist to clarify their position, rather than simply damning their work. I believe Hoek’s intentions were honourable and as he points out as photographers and artist work can be about theContinue reading “Exercise 2.4 – Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa”

Notes from the Margin of Spoilt Identity – The Art of Diane Arbus By Gerry Badger (1988)

Notes from the Margin of Spoilt Identity – The Art of Diane Arbus by Gerry Badger (1988). The above link will take you to the essay, Notes from the Margin of Spoilt Identity – The Art of Diane Arbus By Gerry Badger Published in Phototexts (1988) Topless dancer in her dressing room, San Francisco, California.Continue reading “Notes from the Margin of Spoilt Identity – The Art of Diane Arbus By Gerry Badger (1988)”

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