The Complete Guide to Light & Lighting in Digital Photography

The Complete Guide to Light & Lighting in Digital Photography (2006) Michael Freeman, Cambridge: ILEX. ISBN: 978-1-904705-88-8. I picked this book up in my charity bookshop last year and I have only now gotten around to reading it. This book is very general and will teach you very limited lighting skills, I always get andContinue reading “The Complete Guide to Light & Lighting in Digital Photography”

Final Project – Essay.

Behind this laughing mask of mine. Firstly, I would like to apologies to my audience with regards to my artistic project, for I am asking you to interpret my images as I see them. To be seen to represent an invisible metaphor for the political identity of self, but a photograph is not a literalContinue reading “Final Project – Essay.”

Planning and Preparation

For this assignment, I have taken my Tutor’s suggestion of recruiting volunteers to be my subjects from beyond my friends and family. I am involved with a student group that meets by internet video link once a month and I put out a request for my fellow students to take part. This is my originalContinue reading “Planning and Preparation”

Assignment 6 – Final Project

Behind this laughing mask of mine 2020 – 2021 ‘Every profound spirit needs a mask’ Nietzsche, Beyond Good an Evil, 1888. In the politics of self we put up a front to others, and this is worn as a type of mask that projects as well as it guards. For identity we wear many masksContinue reading “Assignment 6 – Final Project”

A Passport selfie

I had to renew my ten year passport and it is now possible to apply online and provide a digital photograph created by the applicant, this can be made with as little as a mobile phone and a plain background. Unfortunately, I don’t have a mobile with this ability; so I used my DSLR andContinue reading “A Passport selfie”

The Cruel Radiance

The Cruel Radiance, 2012, Susie Linfield, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. ISBN: 978-0-226-48251-4. This is a very interesting book and I found it to be a good read. Linfield writes in defence of photography against what she describes as a popular and institutional attack on the medium by critics and even other photographers. SheContinue reading “The Cruel Radiance”

Shizuka Yokomizo – Stranger

Shizuka Yokomizo’ project, Stranger, 1998 -2000, consisted of Yokomizo sending anonymous letters to her subjects asking them to stand in front of their from windows at an appointed time, and she would then spend a couple of minutes photographing them through their window from the street. Shizuka Yokomizo, Stranger, 1998 -2000. Dear Stranger, I amContinue reading “Shizuka Yokomizo – Stranger”

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