Final Project – Essay.

Behind this laughing mask of mine. Firstly, I would like to apologies to my audience with regards to my artistic project, for I am asking you to interpret my images as I see them. To be seen to represent an invisible metaphor for the political identity of self, but a photograph is not a literalContinue reading “Final Project – Essay.”

Assignment 6 – Final Project

Behind this laughing mask of mine 2020 – 2021 ‘Every profound spirit needs a mask’ Nietzsche, Beyond Good an Evil, 1888. In the politics of self we put up a front to others, and this is worn as a type of mask that projects as well as it guards. For identity we wear many masksContinue reading “Assignment 6 – Final Project”

‘Facing Up To Myself’ by Jo Spence (1978)

Jo Spence, Photo Therapy: Infantilization, 1984. The above link (accessed, 26/10/2020) is a pdf copy of an article published in Spare Rib magazine, March 1978 by Jo Spence, Facing Up To Myself (1978). Available from (accessed 26/10/2020). Notes: As a photographer, Jo Spence, realised, That a single image could not convey someone’s essence. (SpareContinue reading “‘Facing Up To Myself’ by Jo Spence (1978)”

Preparing, producing and editing Assignment 2

For this assignment, the social theme was based around a current social issue that is affecting millions of people, myself included, being furloughed from work as a result of the COVID pandemic. I therefor used myself as the subject and my home as this is the location of my furlough. I used a Nikon withContinue reading “Preparing, producing and editing Assignment 2”

Assignment 1 – Environmental Portraits, ‘My Other-half’

Assignment 1 – My Other-half “Identity comes from both the observer and the observed.” – Shaun Mullins. In this project, I wanted to create environmental portraits that in some way express the different sub-identities that make up the overall character of a person.  I believe that our identity / character is not defined by oneContinue reading “Assignment 1 – Environmental Portraits, ‘My Other-half’”

The Quest for the Man on the White Donkey

The Quest for the Man on the White Donkey (2012) by Yaakov Israel Yaakov Israel, The Quest for the Man on the White Donkey, (2012) Amsterdam Schilt Publishing. An interview with Yaakov Israel Yaakov Israel works with 8×10 and 4×5 inch cameras, he prefers this format because it slows down his process and due toContinue reading “The Quest for the Man on the White Donkey”

Thomas Ruff

Portrait 1986 (Stoya) Photo by Thomas Ruff, Tate Collection. Reference: P78091 Display Caption – Tate Ruff believes that photography can only capture the surface of things, conveying what he describes as ‘the authenticity of a manipulated and prearranged reality’. In 1981, he began a series of colour portraits of his friends and fellow students atContinue reading “Thomas Ruff”

Natasha Caruana

Caruana has found images of wedding photographs on-line for selling secondhand wedding dresses and used them for her project, Fairytale for sale, (2015) the owners of the wedding dresses have tried to disguise the people in the images by obscuring the faces by blanking them out, covering them over, scratching them off, etc. FromContinue reading “Natasha Caruana”

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