Critical reflection

The Brief: Produce a story with a social theme. Your project should combine portraits, objects and spaces to describe your subject matter. You should produce between 8 – 12 images to demonstrate an ethical practice. At the time of producing this project, I found myself in the middle of a world pandemic as a resultContinue reading “Critical reflection”

The ‘Mona Lisa’ by Leonardo da Vinci 1503/06 – 1517

Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci (1503/07 – 1517) This portrait is now probably the most famous portrait in the world. Painted by Leonardo da Vinci, he started painting this from around 1503 – 06 and is believed to have continued working on it until as late as 1517, close to his death. It isContinue reading “The ‘Mona Lisa’ by Leonardo da Vinci 1503/06 – 1517”

Preparing, producing and editing Assignment 2

For this assignment, the social theme was based around a current social issue that is affecting millions of people, myself included, being furloughed from work as a result of the COVID pandemic. I therefor used myself as the subject and my home as this is the location of my furlough. I used a Nikon withContinue reading “Preparing, producing and editing Assignment 2”

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