Assignment 5 – Written Report

Overall Comments A useful start based on decent preparatory research. Feedback on assignment Demonstration of technical and Visual Skills, Quality of Outcome, Demonstration of Creativity Notes on, and in addition to, video tutorial [my notes in italics] You have recommended that I research Ralph Eugene Meatyard and Gillian Wearing as to what their original intentionsContinue reading “Assignment 5 – Written Report”

Assignment 1 – Written Feedback

Above is attached a WordDoc for my Tutor’s written feedback for my first assignment. Overall Comments A successful piece of work based on good preparation that meets the brief. Feedback on assignment Demonstration of technical and Visual Skills, Quality of Outcome, Demonstration of Creativity Notes on, and in addition to, video tutorial [You need toContinue reading “Assignment 1 – Written Feedback”

My Other Half – a critical self-review.

My Other Half – A critical self-review by Shaun Mullins. The objective of this project was to create 6-10 environmental portraits and I chose to produce photographs of my wife in different locations in our home, dressed for and performing the typical activities that I often see her doing.  I wanted to convey the ideaContinue reading “My Other Half – a critical self-review.”

Assignment 1 – Environmental Portraits, ‘My Other-half’

Assignment 1 – My Other-half “Identity comes from both the observer and the observed.” – Shaun Mullins. In this project, I wanted to create environmental portraits that in some way express the different sub-identities that make up the overall character of a person.  I believe that our identity / character is not defined by oneContinue reading “Assignment 1 – Environmental Portraits, ‘My Other-half’”

Reading Task – The Impossibilities to shoot as a white photographer on the African Continent by Jan Hoek hotographer-on-the-african-continent.html Jan Hoek wrote a reply to Wolukau-Wanambwa’s critique of Sassen’s, de Midel’s and his work defending his non-racist intentions. Perhaps, we must all ask ourselves can we truly ever be totally unprejudiced as a human race? Notes and Quotes In an article on (, Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwawiped the floor with the work of artists VivanneContinue reading “Reading Task – The Impossibilities to shoot as a white photographer on the African Continent by Jan Hoek”

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