Photography Today

Photography Today, 2014, by Mark Durden, London: Phaidon. ISBN: 978-0-7148-4563-0. This is an illustrated book examining the work of contemporary photographic artists from the 1960s to present day. The book is divided into subjects covering: The Copy: Authorship and Reproduction, The Face: The Pose and the Mask, Colour: Surface and Depth, The Street: Discord and Harmony,Continue reading “Photography Today”

Reading Photographs – In Our Own Image, by Fred Ritchin

Peter Kennard and Cat Phillips created the image, titled: Photo Op, in 2005. From Fred Ritchin’s book, In Our Own Image, his essay, Reading Photographs, (Ritchin, 2010) discusses the authenticity of a photograph. He asks, …after all that is happening in computer imaging can one safeguard the integrity of the photograph in its populist roleContinue reading “Reading Photographs – In Our Own Image, by Fred Ritchin”

Questioning Identity: Gender, Class, Nation.

Kath Woodward, (ed.) (2000) Questioning Identity: Gender, Class, Nation, London: Routledge. ISBN: 0-415-22288-5. This publication is part a series of books for the study of social science through the Open University, published in 2000 it is probably a little dated now as it pulls from examples no later than the 1990s. However, as a bookContinue reading “Questioning Identity: Gender, Class, Nation.”

Notes from the Margin of Spoilt Identity – The Art of Diane Arbus By Gerry Badger (1988)

Notes from the Margin of Spoilt Identity – The Art of Diane Arbus by Gerry Badger (1988). The above link will take you to the essay, Notes from the Margin of Spoilt Identity – The Art of Diane Arbus By Gerry Badger Published in Phototexts (1988) Topless dancer in her dressing room, San Francisco, California.Continue reading “Notes from the Margin of Spoilt Identity – The Art of Diane Arbus By Gerry Badger (1988)”

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